Soccer Club Programs

East Lansing Soccer Club offers recreational and select soccer opportunities for kindergarten through high school. We are 100% volunteer program and always looking for volunteer coaches.

  1. Kindergarten and 1st Grade soccer program - Kindergarten and 1st graders players are placed on K/1st grade teams that play other ELSC teams in a small sided game format (usually 4v4 with no goalkeeper.) Their season is traditionally 7 weeks in the fall starting after Labor Day, and 6-7 weeks in the spring starting after Spring Break. Games are during the week and practices are twice per week. Equipment needed is shoes or soccer cleats, shin guards and a size 4 soccer ball. Registration is open NOW until August 11th, 2024. All players registered will be placed on a team. Fees are only $50 for spring and $50 for fall!
  2. Recreational soccer program - Players are 2nd-6th grade and placed on school grade level teams that play against other community teams in the East Side Soccer League (ESSL). Players are not encouraged but could play up a grade but may not play down an grade. Season is traditionally 8 games over 8 weeks in the fall starting after Labor Day, and 6 games over 6 weeks in the spring after Spring Break.  Games are Saturday mornings. Practices are twice per week.If signing up for soccer after the fall season is complete, spots available are determined if a team has an empty roster spot. Please email with your player's gender and grade to see there is a spot available.
  3. Select soccer program - Players are U10-U19 (under the age of 10-19) placed on teams by a players birth year and grade.  Teams play against other community teams in the Capital Area Soccer League (CASL) and occasionally highly skilled teams will compete in the Western Suburban Soccer League (WSSL).  Starting in 2016, US Soccer adopted a policy where, all players on Select level teams or higher are placed on teams by calendar birth year (i.e. 1/1 – 12/31).  Players may play up a birth year (or two birth year levels with written permission), but may not play down a birth year.  Season is traditionally 8 games over 8 weeks in the fall starting after Labor Day, and 8 games over 6 weeks in the spring starting after Spring Break. Games are Saturday or Sunday afternoons.  Practices are twice per week.

Financial aid is available. If paying the fee to participate is a hardship for your family, please indicate in your registration that financial aid is requested.